About Us
Founded in 1885, All Saints Episcopal Church has been a welcoming place of Christian worship and ministry for 130 years in San Marco, the City of Jacksonville, and all of Northeast Florida. From lovely tree-shaded grounds and the magnificence of our sun-lit stained glass chancel window, to the fellowship and outreach work flowing out of our parish hall and child care center, God has truly blessed us with a beautiful campus, a vibrant ministry, and a growing, enthusiastic parish community.
There is so much to see and do at All Saints! Come visit us and learn how God is calling you to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Who We Are
All Saints Mission
All Saints is a welcoming family of Christians whose mission is to worship and serve God. We are called by Christ to grow spiritually, to share our life with others, and to make known his love through word and deed. In short, we pray, serve, and give as disciples of Jesus Christ.
The Episcopal Church is the American member of the worldwide Anglican Communion whose customs and understandings of the Christian way developed from the Church of England in 1549. We are Christians who are both "Catholic" in our traditions and liturgies and "Protestant" in our reformed focus on the Holy Scriptures. At the center of our faith is the Book of Common Prayer, which guides us in prayer, worship, and unity. All Saints is a part of The Episcopal Diocese of Florida.
We Mean It: All Are Welcome!
For us, that means living in a multi-talented family the way Jesus lived his life and ministry. You will find a place of comfort and peace in this church. You do not have to check your heart or your mind, your questions or your struggles, at the door. We are a community that is not necessarily of one mind about any particular issue, but prays to be of one heart in seeking to love God and each other through Jesus Christ. We strive to represent the unconditional love of God, made known fully in God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
We are Episcopalians
We Honor Christ
At the heart of things, our life centers around our worship of Jesus Christ. At the Holy Eucharist (Lord's Supper, Holy Communion, Mass), we make a consistent and inclusive invitation to the altar. All who are baptized, no matter where they are on their spiritual journey, can receive the sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood. We see the gifts on the altar as God's gift to God's people, not our possessions. However, if you do not wish to receive communion, please join us at the altar rail and cross your arms over your chest. The priest will offer you a blessing or words of comfort.
We Share the Good News
Living out our parish mission statement of worshiping and serving God compels us to move out into the world to serve others in our community and to share Christ's Holy Gospel. At All Saints, we offer a variety of ways for our members to reach out to those in need both inside and outside of the church. We believe in an educated laity so we continuously offer classes and training to enable folks to be Christ's disciples in the world. We encourage our members to discover the gifts God has given them, and to use those gifts to spread God's good news to the world.
Our History
In 1885, a small gathering of Episcopalians answered the call to found an Episcopal presence in South Jacksonville, Florida. They first met in the shared terminal waiting room of the Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Halifax River Railway and the St. John's Ferry. Five years later, with growing membership, the first All Saints Episcopal Church was built further south from the St. Johns River on Hendricks Avenue, where the Florida Baptist Convention state offices are now located.
Church membership continued to grow and in 1955 the All Saints Parish moved farther south to the present location at 4171 Hendricks Avenue, worshiping in what is now the Parish Hall. The move offered an opportunity to build a larger facility that could function as both a church and parish hall, with an adjoining Christian education building. The present All Saints Church was finished and consecrated in 1965, with its nursery filled, and the church office busy with activity.
The pace has not slowed down over the past 50 years. Today at All Saints our parish ministries range from deep, Anglican worship and prayer offered on Sundays and throughout the week, to a five-star inter-generational daycare center, to a variety of missions & ministries for the homebound, underserved, homeless, and hungry, to weekly Bible studies, adult Christian education, Sunday School, and active youth ministry. All Saints is a thriving fellowship of Christians who endeavor to answer Christ's call that we love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbors as ourselves.